Apr 18, 2023
Jonathan Noyes is at The Babylon Bee to talk about his past days as an “evangelical atheist” when he would try to convert the Christians to his wonderful worldview where nothing ultimately matters but you can do anything you want. He became a Christian and now he tackles the major atheist objections to faith in God, like the problem of evil and suffering, and gives his reasons for believing in the God of the Bible. Listen to find out why Jonathan put his fedora-wearing days behind him.
Jonathan is a speaker with Stand to Reason: https://www.str.org/
In the full-length ad-free podcast Jonathan takes some questions from subscribers to The Babylon Bee. Use PROMOCODE: ‘PODCAST’ and get 20% off becoming a subscriber at: https://babylonbee.com/plans?utm_source=Libsyn&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=description