Apr 30, 2021
THE BEE WEEKLY: Racist Soap Dispensers and Headlines By Kids
On The Babylon Bee Weekly, Kyle and Ethan are joined by stand-up comedian Trevor Andersen again. They talk about drag racing cops and the racism built into automatic soap dispensers. We hear the best headline pitches by our subscribers' children and find a new hero of the faith. As always we end in hate mail, this one most likely coming from a disheartened satire-hating robot.
Trevor Andersen is back on the podcast to guest host.
Coming up next Tuesday we have Dr. Jason Lisle, a young earth creationist on the interview show.
We read subscriber comments and YouTube comments
Weird News
Greyhound Wins Race In New Zealand, But Is Later Discovered To Be On Methamphetamine
Michigan Woman Glues Eye Shut After Mistaking Nail Glue For Eye Drops
Oklahoma Woman Charged With Felony For Not Returning VHS Tape 21 Years Ago
Two D.C. Police Cars Were Totaled After Officers Decided To Drag Race Each Other
Florida Family Accused Of Selling Bleach As A "miracle" Cure For COVID-19
Biden Was The Only World Leader With A Mask On During Virtual Climate Summit
British Speed-Eater Drinks Capri Sun in 15.71 Seconds For Guinness Record
Kids Pitch Babylon Bee Headlines
Buy Abigail Shrier’s 'Irreversible Damage' (Save $18.99 with this link!): babylonbee.com/damage
Heroes of the Faith
Joanna Southcott
Hate Mail
We get hate mail from a Stephen Hawking robot
Subscriber Portion
We talk about what books we’re currently reading